Brazilian Red Hots™

Alternanthera dentata 'BRAZILIAN RED' PBR
colouful foliage plant

Brazilian Red Hots™

Alternanthera dentata 'BRAZILIAN RED' PBR
Amazing hot pink foliage that will make a feature in your garden

Emporium/Hotties Range

Plant Description: This Alternanthera demands attention with its hot pink foliage, which makes it an excellent contrast plant in gardens
Uses: Small garden hedges (also as a specimen plant, in gardens beds, containers and patio pots)
Position & Tolerances: Full sun to part shade. Heat tolerant, and loves humidity. Frost tender shrub, needs to be in a sheltered position protected from light frosts
Height & Width: 50-60cm high x 50-60cm wide
Flowers: Ball shaped white flowers in spring
Foliage: Stunning hot pink foliage
Soil Type: Requires well drained moist soils
Best Planting Time: October to March
Planting Density: 2-3 plants per linear metre (2-4 plants per m²)
Where it thrives: Frost free areas - QLD, Coastal NSW, Coastal VIC, Coastal WA, Coastal SA and NT
Pruning: Yearly pruning will provide vibrant new growth

Establishment & Extra Care:

Water as required for 8-13 weeks until established.
Plant in a well mulched garden, a chunky mulch is recommended.
Provide adequate water as required, keep moist in dry weather.
Protect from light frosts.
Use slow release fertiliser in spring, if required.

Brazilian Red Hots plant

Where to Buy?

Ozbreed licenses trusted growing partners to grow our plants and make them available around the country. If a plant isn’t available at your local wholesale or retail nursery, you can request it to be ordered in for you.

Want to know more about Brazilian Red Hots™