Where to Buy?
Ozbreed licenses trusted growing partners to grow our plants and make them available around the country. If a plant isn’t available at your local wholesale or retail nursery, you can request it to be ordered in for you.
This is a tough, small, compact evergreen shrub that has a magnificent display of large showy pink flowers. It will tolerate extreme conditions, and rarely if ever produces seed, making it safer near bushland
NOTE: Cosmic Pink™ Rhaphiolepis is exempt from the NSW ban of Rhaphiolepis, Click Here for more information.
Establishment & Extra Care:
Water as required for 8-13 weeks until established.
Plant in a well mulched garden, a chunky mulch is recommended.
Use slow release fertiliser in spring, if required.
Ozbreed licenses trusted growing partners to grow our plants and make them available around the country. If a plant isn’t available at your local wholesale or retail nursery, you can request it to be ordered in for you.